Wednesday 21 November 2007

Life goes forward...

Not much new to tell anybody... Things are still pretty much the same.

Some vomit, seizures, he's lost weight... he was 7.3 kilos, he's down to 6.9 last Sunday (they weighed him in the hospital when Gosia took him in for mild dehydration) and we think he's lost more since then.

Not unexpected, but dramatic...

He's drinking out of a bottle again, so there's that. But no solids.

Anyway, we recently came into a dog and three cats. We saved them from the needle. The funny thing is, they're all pure breed animals. We're more of a mutt family, but an animal is an animal. It's not their fault they were born that way...

So, the puppy sleeps with Eli at night and whatever Rhiannon can catch sleeps with her. She's taken to sleeping up on the top bunk so they can't escape...

The cats are eating Eli's eggs here...

The puppy's name is Kim Chee, our family's favorite spicy food... The kitten's names are Scrap and Spring, the the elder cat I've taken to calling Ethel Merman...


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, poor kitties... Just kidding, I think it's wonderful that they have animals around, and I'm so happy that you rescued them.

Love you!!!

Toby O'B said...

saved them from the needle? More like you saved them from the ladle.

You are in Taiwan after all.

Oooh, yes, that's right. I'm the ugly American.

So what are the cats' names? We know the pup is Kimchi......

stubsey said...

Dear Gosia and Sean

Yes. It's Thanksgiving. And here, Hungerthon has been put to bed.

From the charity perspective, there are so many people to be thankful for.

Me -- I find my mind and heart wandering to the two of you. I live in utter admiration of the strength the two of you have, the determination to give Calvin every chance, to give Rhiannon and Eli the hard lessons of life but shrowded in love -- and opportunity. The two of you have given up much -- and grown older and so much wiser I think than so many of us.

It is Thanksgiving here. And I find myself thankful for the gifts of life lessons you are sharing with me. I find myself enormously thankful that G-d brought you into my life.

So Hungerthon may be the catalyst -- but in fact ... the gift is your friendship and love.

Have a gentle Thanksgiving.

Much love,
Aunt Stubsey