Wednesday 7 November 2007

Calvin's daily journeys...

Here's more of Calvin in his spider-suit.

He loves playing the Wah wah game... When you pat his mouth he'll make the noise so it goes wah wah wah... it's the simple things in life! But he's more and more interactive.

Gosia plays a "find the light" game with him -- at night in a darkened room, you just use a penlight and have him find the dot of light. He's been getting better at that, too.

And he now says Mama constantly! He had been doing that and stopped, so it's a big deal around here.

But he's been teething, so that knocks everything back. He's going down the floor regularly, now, but he's more tired than usual and frustrates more easily. Plus, the seizures... they come and go. Sometimes they'll even get him excited, but more often than not they'll just freak him out. He's also much more prone to throwing up when he's teething or sick or seizurey.

He was, of course, diagnosed with Epilepsy a month or so ago, even though he's been having seizures all along. We called them loopy turns, but they were seizures.

The neurologist we were going to in NYC told us that they were "something else," but when we got back to Taiwan, we were looking around on YouTube and found some videos parents of brain injured children had made. It showed what a seizure looked like, so Gosia went to Calvin's neurologist here, told him what we thought, and he said, Of course they're seizures!

They're not too strong, so we're keeping him away from the horse tranquilizers (anti-seizure meds) as long as we possibly can. Hopefully forever...

On another note, Monday after the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) Gosia took Calvin for blood work -- it's been a month so we'll soon see how his kidneys are doing.

This is where the praying comes in!! I know Calvin has a lot of prayer support out there, and it means so much to us and Calvin.

I've been asking Saint Zeno to help Calvin since I found him in my Lives of the Saints. he's the patron saint of children learning to speak and walk, so I think Calvin falls under his jurisdiction. And I just found Saint Herman who himself had Cerebral Palsy and was brilliant.

Saint Herman the Cripple
Saint Zeno of Verona

That's one of the great misconceptions, we've seen and learned, about brain injured people. Brilliance is hard to measure with a brain injured person. You can't gauge actual intelligence on exhibited intelligence. We know Calvin is brilliant, it's our job to help him break the walls and express that brilliance.

So, please do pray for Calvin. Most of you know that we don't think Calvin would even be here without prayer, and he still needs that fuel. Every day is a fight for this kid and he really is amazing at what he does....


Toby O'B said...
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Toby O'B said...

May Our Lord Bless Calvin and may the Saints intercede for him. I will whisper a prayer for him today.

[friend of Toby]