Sunday 16 March 2008

Palm Sunday, March 16th

A quick one this Palm Sunday... Gosia and I are still battling off a nasal infection, so I don't have much wherewithal to type. Plus, the medicine knocks me out, which is especially fun while teaching!

OK, kids, take out your pink giraffes and turn to page twenty.... What? you didn't bring your pink giraffe to school! Open your book bag! Let me see!

Along those lines, anyway... At least I'm an English teacher, not a Science or Math teacher... English doesn't make any sense anyway.

OK, here's the rule. Always follow the rule. Now here are thirty exceptions. Just memorize them because they're totally illogical...

And they ask me why, because they don't have anything corresponding to that in Chinese, and I tell them flat out: because English is crazy. Which they take as an answer that makes sense to them, I suppose, because they have me as their teacher.

Well anyway, here are a bunch of pictures of the kids.

They actually volunteered to pose for a picture, which is rare to say the least...

All the best,

See you Spy Wednesday!

1 comment:

Toby O'B said...

Oh, the places you'll go when you're in my mind! I looked at the last picture, and I don't know why, but I thought to myself "And then the warden came in and flipped the switch."

But hey, that's just me.

What was best of all is to see all three kids together like that. Sometimes we get to thinking of you having two families - Eli and Rhiannon, and then there's Calvin. Maybe that's just because of the pictures we get to see - the two older get to do stuff on their own, and Calvin struggling to do things we all take for granted.

He's looking so cute in that first picture with Eli!

Good luck with the nasality problems! LOVED the description of the "logic" of English! LOL

Love y'all y'all