Friday 21 March 2008

Good Friday, 2008

Well, here we are on Good Friday, and here's the bunch of pictures from our visit to the doctor's this week.

There are many independent GPs around town, so we all got over there to try and deal with our various colds and nasal infections.

Eli always looks forlorn at the doctors. he's actually not afraid of needles anymore-- he got so many shots at Public School that he's over that, but he's a bit of a hypochondriac. I guess I was too, at that age. Every ache means bone cancer... he's always been very interested in medicine, but he tends to get a little over worried.

But when it was over, he was fine, and the two of them started exploring while Calvin got checked out

-- he watched the assistants preparing his medicine...

Calvin got checked out then we went home, baggies of medicine in hand. The kids are drinking kid tea in the car. It's a non caffeine tea you can get at most of the many, many tea shops around here.

One of the signs of being here too long is that a half a block walk to the nearest tea shop seems to be too far. There should be one closer!

Well, see you tomorrow.

1 comment:

Toby O'B said...

A message for Eli:

Every ache means that your mutant genetics are beginning to change your body and soon your super-power will reveal itself.

And then you will be contacted by the X-Men to join their team of super-heroes.

See? Much more fun to think of it that way, than thinking it's bone cancer!