Sunday 15 June 2008

Sunday, June 15th

Well, here we are nearing Summer... It's rained the whole weekend, starting Friday evening. It's extremely humid.

So, some pictures from a rainy day. I think these are actually from last week... our walk to get a loaf of bread from the bakery down the alley. I had an umbrella, but Eli chose to go without...

It's been raining a lot lately. On days like this I usually have to bring a change of clothes to work with me -- I get soaked on the five minute scooter drive over there. Even a rain coat really doesn't help.

But it's a shared experience -- everyone gets soaked, so it can be fun.

Also, there's the waterbug stamping. The waterbugs flee the sewers and swarm the sidewalks. They occasionally come into the house too, which has been great fun for the kittens.

Our fluffy cats can't be bothered to catch a waterbug, but the alley cat kittens love it. We've been finding dead, chewed up waterbugs around the house, signs of their love and devotion to us. Adorable but gross.

But it's all part of the weather.

Snails and waterbugs...

1 comment:

Toby O'B said...

How many cats do you have? And how soon do you sell them to the guys on the back of the trucks? LOL!