Wednesday 2 April 2008

Wednesday, April 2nd

Today's post is a movie about Calvin-- you can see he's improved so much

He's improved his strength and balance, his vision is getting much better...

He's back to 7 kilos again...

When Gosia arrived for therapy on Monday she saw the mother of a brain injured girl who'd also been receiving HBOT, and found out that the girl had caught a cold and died from it just three weeks ago. It reminded us just how blessed we really are, how fragile life can be, and how amazing it is that Calvin's able to do the things he is, and keep moving himself forward, as you can see in the movie.

Hopefully when he finishes teething his seizures will decrease and he won't be as tired and disoriented as he sometimes gets now. His eating has improved; even if he's having seizures vomiting is rare.

We know it is very slow, and it's a lot of work (especially for him) but he's a happy boy.

His birthday is next Tuesday -- he'll be two.
If you have any extra prayers, please dedicate them to Calvin.


Anonymous said...

What a trooper! every time I see him in these video's I know that we are all blessed to have him in our lives. Keep up the good work!

Love you all

stubsey said...

Just checking in and am happy to read of even a slight improvement for Calvin. I can't however not be concerned about how you two are holding up. You both must be totally exhausted.

Anyway, much love. And hugs.

And prayers.

Aunt Stubsey