Tuesday 29 January 2008

Tuesday, January 29th

Hello, All... the past two weeks I've been working extra hours in the mornings over Winter Break, so no time at home, really. No time to post. Plus my afternoon hours kick in after Chinese New Year, so I've decided to do the blog on Sundays and Wednesdays... I have more time those days...

So, Tomorrow-- pictures of the high chair!

Today, two of Eli (Mr. Don't Take a Picture of Me) with Calvin.

1 comment:

Toby O'B said...

Wow! From that second picture, there's a sense of what Eli must look like when standing - he's getting tall, isn't he? There just seems to be so much of him all tucked up to cradle Calvin.

Last time I saw him in person, he'd often run up and jump into my arms. Probably knock me flat on my brains if he did that now!