Sunday 8 February 2009


This is the website where I've posted the pictures and written a brief summary of Calvin's death and cremation.

Calvin Peter Cleary


Truth Serum said...

Sean, Gosia, Eli and Rhinnon,
This was powerful revealing writing, thank you for taking the time and energy to put this up at your blog.

Anonymous said...

We wanted to be there with you, and because of this blog, we were. I keep thinking of you and Gosia as the Pieta, holding your precious boy. There are no words to tell you of the heartache that has becme an abiding part of me. Much much love from Dad and me.

Toby O'B said...

I looked in again, as I do at least once a week, and only just now realized you put this up on Feb. 8th....

That's the day my Dad passed away. Can't believe I didn't notice it before.